[Liminal Letters] Language as a magical tool for reality creation for everything from goals to political speech

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Hey, Reader!

What is the power of a word? What is the power of the words we say, the way we speak, the turns of phrase we use?

This is a question that has been on my mind a lot lately for a number of reasons:

  • It's the end of the year and I'm talking a lot about goal-setting, planning and preparing for the year ahead - something that can easily fall into capitalism-fuelled hustle and productivity culture territory.
  • I'm reading Cultish by Amanda Montell, which delves into how cults use language to exert power over their followers.
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I am thinking about the importance of speech, language, and word-choice in the context of propaganda and speaking up against war and genocide that is on-going in Palestine.

On one level - as witches, magicians, occultists, and generally spiritually aligned folks - the power of words and language should be obvious. The idea that the true name of an entity holds power over that entity isn't just an idea from fantasy novels. It is quite literally an ancient magical idea that is documented in Egyptian myth, the Greek Magical Papyri, Judaism, the bible, and Taoist beliefs. The idea that words have power is something one might claim is foundational to how humans think about magic and spirituality.

But, as I learned while reading Cultish this isn't just a magical concept. It's something academics have studied and found to be a powerful force in society:

“A linguistic theory called the theory of performativity says that language does not simply describe or reflect who we are, it creates who we are. That’s because speech has the capacity to consummate action, thus exhibiting a level of intrinsic power. (The plainest examples of performative language would be making a promise, performing a wedding ceremony, or pronouncing a legal sentence.) When repeated over and over again, speech has meaningful, consequential power to construct and constrain our reality.”
Cultish, Amanda Montell, p. 46

Language isn't the end-all-be-all of our capacity to think and create reality, but it is a very powerful player - both spiritually and practically speaking.

Language is a tool for reality creation.

Montell explores this in a negative sense in Cultish, exploring how cults use the capacity of language to create different realities to isolate and control people, but like any tool language can also be used positively.

As an anti-capitalist with a big ambitious vision, planning and goal-setting are a part of that. As an ADHDer living under capitalism, planning and goal-setting have been absolutely vital for me! But the way I was taught planning and goal-setting taught me to think of it in ways that make sense to capitalism and Empire: my plan should be linear (first I do this, then I do that, and god forbid life ever get in the way!); my goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, etc. (forget planning for something grand or that has anything to do with the ineffable or cyclical!); and, of course, there are all the ways we are encouraged by society, media, by friends and family to set goals that make sense to them or to the demands of capitalist Empire.

I have spent a lot of time over the years re-thinking how I choose, set, measure, plan for, and achieve goals to avoid enforcing a capitalist, productivity-focused, hustle-culture on myself through my planning and goal-setting. Our goals and our achievement of our goals is an expression of our dreams. We do not need to replicate these oppressive structure that we dream of transcending in our goals or dreams. In fact, the world would be a MUCH better place if we stopped setting capitalist, hustle-culture goals and started setting intuitive, inspiring goals for shit we actually DO desire.

Because of the way I have re-thought my goal-setting system, I have set and achieved more goals with less exhaustion and more joy. This system informs all of my year-end offerings - from Year-Ahead Readings to tomorrow's FREE workshop - because I want to help all of my fellow planner-hoarding radical witches with ADHD set goals that actually make a difference for you and your world.

The way you speak about your goals, the systems of language and thought you use to structure your goals helps create your reality. Both through magical and practical means. The way you apply this in your goals and dreams ripples out into your life. If old ways of goal-setting aren't working for you and are re-creating a reality you don't want to see continue, I wanna invite you to join me in tomorrow's free workshop on using tarot to review your year so you can tap into your dreams and make plans for the new year that are intuitive, inspiring, and magical.

To dive into the concept of performativity a bit more deeply, Oxford Bibliographies has this to say on the topic of performativity: "... language does not simply describe the world but may instead (or also) function as a form of social action." Performativity is language functioning as an action. In tarot readings (including Year-Ahead readings!) my key focus is always connecting people to their power. I strive to help my clients find the places where they have the power to take some action that would help them move towards their goal, resolve their situation, find peace, etc., depending on the question they are coming to me with. Action creates change. And action begins with finding those places - however small, and sometimes they are small - where you do have the power to take action.

I find it interesting that in an time of deep injustice, when we have more power than ever to speak up and make our voices heard on these topics, the charge of "performativity" is an accusation of wrong-doing, rather than a reclamation of the power of speech from systems that would have us be silent in situations of injustice.

I find it interesting that in a time of deep injustice, when capitalism and Empire encroach deeper and deeper into every corner of our lives, we would be encouraged to cede the power of our words, language, voice and speech. I find it interesting that we would be encouraged to do that under the guise of that cessation being a virtue.

I find it interesting that we would be asked to believe, as witches and magicians, that rejecting such an ancient idea of magic - the power of the words to change reality - is the spiritual choice.

If you accept that language works as a tool for reality creation - whether as a timeless magical principle or as an anthropological concept - then the importance of speaking up against injustice becomes even more vital. Our words of protest are spells for liberation. To not speak up in moment of injustice, as a person who values justice, is a betrayal of your own magical and practical power of reality creation.

Speaking of the New Year...

We're in the last month of the year, which means it's time for reviewing, resolution-ing, and reverie-ing! I honestly love this shit and it's the foundation of my success: as a chronically ill ADHDer, I live and die by my planners! As a result, I've developed techniques for reviewing my year, dreaming up exciting plans for my new year, and setting resolutions that are intuitive and work FOR ME - WITHOUT getting caught up in a productivity mindset bullshit.

This year I'm leaning into the my love of all things New Year and I have a whole host of end-of-year/beginning-of-year offerings for y'all! Year-in-Review and Year-Ahead readings are now available! These tarot readings are designed to help you review your year, reconnect to your vision, and discover the invitation of the new year so that you can chart a course to achieving your intuitive, inspiring, magical dreams in 2024! These sessions are available until 15 January 2024! Book yours here!

I also want to invite you to join me in the FREE workshop TOMORROW!

As 2023 comes to a close, learn how I use tarot to review my year, ground into my dreams, and set the foundation for a magical new year!

Take some time at the end of 2023 to review your year - the joys, the struggles, the things that you wish had gone differently, the surprising pleasures - looking at your year with care and clarity that will let you set magical goals that light you in in 2024!

This is an interactive workshop! Not only will you be learning my process - you'll be guided through it, reviewing & dreaming as you go.

This workshop is free & it will be recorded! Register HERE!

In Case You Missed It:

This Week's Joys

  • My body and brain going into slowdown mode. I've been working at a wholly unprecedented level for the last few months and last week my body and brain stopped showing up for that pace and volume of work. At first I was beyond frustrated and annoyed - what is wrong with me that I can't keep working super long hours and how can I fix it? But this week, I remembered that cycles exist and it's ok to need to slow down a bit and rest! And so I did and it actually has been more than ok! And I'm really pleased that my body reminded me of this and that I listened!
  • A goofy 90s suit jacket that I bought at rummage sale this summer! I bought it on a lark cuz it was $2 and if it didn't work out for me it was low risk, but I ADORE IT!
  • Moka pot coffee! Finally diagnosed and fixed the issue with my moka pot and it's back to making amazing cups of coffee and I am so glad!

What's bringing you joy this week? Where are you finding magic? Feel free to hit reply and let me know!

Until next time!

In Joy, Magic, and Solidarity,

P.S. Know someone who would find magic in this newsletter? Please forward it on! Word of mouth is one way we weave connection & magic!


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