
Lex Hesperus

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[Liminal Letters] The radical path of The Sacred Bimbo + Holy Himbo

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! I never really got the bimbofication trend. At least that was the case until a few years ago: I had started working with Hermes-Mercury. I was in a Mercury-ruled profection year. It was a time of much research and refinement of my magical & spiritual techniques, theories, and practice. I was in the "thesis stage" of my magical & spiritual growth, as I explained...

[Liminal Letters] Embodiment is magical

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! We had a long-as-fuck Void-of-Course moon this week and it's has been dark and rainy and stormy all week and I'm feeling TIRED. I opted to honor that this week by skipping posting memes and I'm gonna honor it again by sending y'all a Love Letter from the Liminal archive. This is one I originally wrote over a year ago and it just so happened that it was exactly...

[Liminal Letters] Queerness is expansive. Queer community should be, too

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! What is community? It’s a question I think a lot about in Pride month. In the past, I've struggled to feel connected to mainstream ideas of queer community - the gay bar, the city, etc. As someone who grew up kind of in the middle of nowhere and then went to college in the middle of nowhere and who has only had a car for 7 out of the 32 years they’ve been...

[Liminal Letters] Healing is terrifying (& that's what the ancestors are for)

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! Healing is terrifying. There are lots of definitions of healing out there, but the one I always come back to comes from a mantra I learned from Ren Zatopek: “Whole, hale, holy.” These three words don’t simply sound nice together. They all share a linguistic origin, which they also share with the words ‘health’ and ‘healing’. These words come from an Old English...

[Liminal Letters] Queer spiritualities are essential

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! Queer spiritual tools are vital. Queer spiritual practitioners are vital. Queer spiritualities are vital. These things aren't just nice to have. They aren't just considerate. They aren't just an option or an alternative. I recently had an experience that demonstrated to me (once again) just how essential it is for queer folks to integrate queer perspectives, to...

[Liminal Letters] On the power of names...

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! I changed my name this week. Or more accurately, I announced that I had gotten as close as I will likely ever get to officially legally changing my name. There's a whole host of reasons I don't want to go through the process of legal name change - my birth name doesn't bother me that much but the bureaucracy necessary for a legal name change absolutely WILL...

[Liminal Letters] What are chaos, power, & order to the radical witch?

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! I’ve had chaos and power and order on the brain lately. Maybe it’s Tuesday’s Scorpion Full Moon. Maybe it’s Eclipse season, or Jupiter’s recent conjunction Uranus, or maybe it’s just *gestures to indicate the current state of the world*... And I think these questions of power and order are particularly important ones for those of us who seek a new paradigm, a...

[Liminal Letters] Weave yourself into life through relationship

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! Next week I am running Cultivating Connection, a free experience of springtime spiritwork to help you create or strengthen your relationship to the earth. And that has my thoughts turning to what it means to be in relationship with the other-than-human, with earth, with spirit. A big part of the way I think about these sort of relationships is that these...

[Liminal Letters] A Love Letter to Dandelion

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! The dandelions are coming up and I'm planning on making some dandelion muffins this week which means I need to share my annual ode, love letter, song of soulful devotion to to these amazing flowers. Dandelion was perhaps my first true plant friend. I remember having so much joy seeing this plant as a child. Watching it turn its sunny face up to the sky and soak...

[Liminal Letters] The radical ancestors, kinship and one big union

Not into weekly newsletters? You can opt-out of the weekly newsletter without removing yourself from other updates HERE! Hey, Reader! Last Monday, on the day of the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, I made a trip to leave some flowers and some prayers a nearby memorial that recognizes a worksite tragedy. The radical ancestors - both of my own lineage and of the collective - have been loud lately so I wanted to take some time and make sure I let them know they were being heard. The memorial I visited...